About Fountain Transport Services
After researching the auto transport business and visiting with serious long-time collectors, top auto dealers, and many elite auto carriers around the country, Dave Fountain found a totally broken system combined with an instant gratification society leading to a downward spiral of the transport industry. There was a persistent gap between the good people trying to ship their vehicles, the honest companies booking the loads, and the reputable carriers being contracted.
Completely obsessed with providing a far superior alternative to all of the madness in the industry and attracting the best clients and carriers to partner with Dave started Fountain Transport Services. You can expect:

Dave Fountain is someone you can trust and identify with. He truly cares about people like they were his family and their special vehicles like cars of his own. He takes pride in providing great customer service to make each individual experience a pleasant and memorable one. He values honesty, integrity and authenticity of himself and expects the same from his customers to have a trusting relationship. He believes enthusiasm, imagination and a good sense of humor is very important as well to lead a more successful and productive life. He’s built his solid company on loyal repeat and referral business. Dave and his lovely wife Tina are from the great state of Iowa, now reside in beautiful Gulf Shores, Alabama with their son Ben and precious dog Teddy. Their sweet daughter Bailey still lives in Ankeny, IA.